28/7 TRAVASI - FIT Festival - Firenze | performance
11/09 TRA LA LUCE - Alzheimer Fest 2022, Firenze | open class for everybody, collaboration with Virgilio Sieni
14/9 ANATOMIA PERCETTIVA - Cantieri Culturali Isolotto - Firenze | workshop for dancers
15/9 IL MONDO SALVATO DA LORO - Cantieri Culturali Isolotto - Firenze | community work and performance, collaboration with Virgilio Sieni
18/9 TRAVASI - DUNE Festival - Grosseto | performance
4,6/10 WORKSHOP AT PULSE - Opus Ballet - Firenze | workshop for dancers
15,16/10 AGORA BOXE - San rocco Festival - Grosseto | community work and performance, collaboration with Virgilio Sieni